Governance Partnership Body
The Governance Partnership Body's main aim is to help raise standards of achievement throughout our school and make sure the school provides a good quality and rounded education for all our pupils. As Mayplace Primary School is a sponsored academy under The Primary First Trust, the way the School is governed is different to Local Authority maintained schools. The responsibilities of the Local Governance Partnership Body are noted in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegated Governance Partnership Body Responsibilities which defines clearly the areas of responsibilities that are taken by the Local Governance Partnership Body and those held by the Trust Board. You can find information about this elsewhere on this website.
The Governing Board’s key areas of responsibility include safeguarding and holding the Head Teacher to account. This is done throughout the School year via a calendar of structured meetings and monitoring visits. Typically such visits are aligned to the school’s improvement strategy.
Our Chair and Governance Partnership Bodies delegate work with the Head Teacher and leadership team, having regular meetings to discuss successes, areas for development, progress being made and to support the school to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. Senior and middle leaders attend governing body meetings to share their work and to respond to governors' questions. Pupil progress data is key in providing governors with information to show how well our children are achieving and a lot of work takes place to ensure governors understand and use the data to the best effect, indeed the Ofsted reported data can be seen elsewhere on this website.