At Mayplace, we recognise that pupils are living in a rapidly changing world, where Science impacts on their futures. Our Science curriculum equips our children to be able to think, explore, question and discover the world around them. With these skills, our children can acquire sound scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding whilst ‘Working Scientifically’. These skills will take the children beyond the classroom providing them with an awareness of Science and the impact that it has locally and globally.
Our Science curriculum is designed to engage and challenge all pupils and to equip them with a range of scientific skills such as asking questions, predicting, observing, pattern-seeking, grouping and classifying, setting up and carrying out a range of tests, researching using secondary sources and reporting on their findings. In addition to this, opportunities for revisiting prior knowledge occur within all lessons to embed the expansive knowledge which is taught within the curriculum. Through practical activities, revision opportunities, outdoor learning and the uses of technology, we want our pupils to learn and use their discoveries to understand and predict how the world operates. We want our children to work in the ‘great outdoors’ to discover and create innovative ways in which Science can inform their actions to make a difference to their own communities, as well as the wider world.
As stated in our Mayplace Curriculum Intent, we want to spark a desire within our children to have a secure scientific subject knowledge, as well as a greater awareness of environmental and ecological issues, and encourage children to use their science skills to connect with the outdoors. Additionally, teachers are developing the use of outdoor learning, technology and other cross-curricular links in all lessons to explore how Science can further support children’s understanding of the World around them.