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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Mayplace Primary School

Igniting The Spark of Learning

Weekly Homework


Daily Reading (eBook assigned by teacher or a book of their choice) 

15 minutes daily  


NumBots (Starting January for Year 1) 

Children will be provided with a log in to NumBots that they can access from home either through the app or through the NumBots website. 


Daily practice 

30 minutes per week 


Word and sounds being taught in school will be posted on each year group’s Class Page on the school website half termly. Suggested activities are included.  

10 minutes 3x weekly 


School Logo Watermark

Contact Us:

Mayplace Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
