New Governance Partnership Bodies
Over the last two years, we have had a number of new governors join us and there will continue to be changes as terms of office come to an end. We have in place, an evolving induction process, to help smooth the journey into becoming a governor at Mayplace Primary School. On joining us, governors are required to attend an induction session where they will meet other experienced colleagues and learn how governance works. They will be expected to complete a ‘skills profile’ so that we can agree where they can make the best contribution to school life. Once they have committed to an agreed area of contribution we can then discuss what training might be needed to enhance their individual skills. Training is provided through the PFT and also by Bexley Governor Services at no cost to the governor. All Governors are expected to attend a number of training sessions a year to ensure they keep up to date in all relevant areas.
There are often opportunities to join our governing body either as an elected parent governor or Trust appointed governor. You are more than welcome to contact us via the school office if you have an interest in governance.