Links to Electronic Forms
Permission to Administer Sun Cream Please complete this form if you would like your child to wear sun cream in school
Change of Contact Information Please use this form to update the office of changes to contact details
Allergies and Food Preference Information Please complete this form if you need to notify the school of any changes to your child's dietary need
Application for Exceptional Leave Please complete this form if you need to notify the school of any exceptional leave
Parental Agreement for Mayplace Primary School to Administer Medicine Mayplace Primary School will not give your child medicine unless you complete and sign this form, and the school or setting has a policy that the staff can administer medicine. The 'Supporting Children with Medical Needs' policy can be found on the school website and should be read before completing the agreement below.
Application for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) Please complete this form to apply for Pupil Premium