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School Welcome

Welcome To

Mayplace Primary School

Igniting The Spark of Learning


Grammar is woven through English lessons and teachers plan these sessions in line with the topic for each half term, based on a core text, with skills being taken from the National Curriculum for the relevant year group. Teachers ensure that they revisit skills at least once per term to ensure children’s understanding is strengthened.


Children are taught the importance of identifying and writing for a specific audience, with features of text types revisited and developed yearly to develop confidence with correct language features. We teach children to write with purpose and link writing in with current affairs, such as writing to a local MP to persuade on topics like climate change or refugees.



  • Adult led writing is planned weekly and are completed on a 1:1 or small group basis with a teacher.

  • Writing opportunities are planned for in each phonics session.

  • During phonics, writing is practised on whiteboards and pencil and paper with an expectation that sentences should be produced by Summer Term.

  • Writing opportunities are thematic and based on the half-termly topic and class text.


Key Stages One and Two


  • Writing is taught four times per week, with additional writing opportunities in other subjects.

  • Lessons are planned in two-weekly sequences, each sequence focusing on a different writing genre.

  • Writing opportunities are linked to the class’ core text.

  • Grammar skills are woven through writing lessons.

  • Opportunities for speaking and listening, drama and storytelling are built into English lessons.

  • Children practise writing skills relevant to the given genre, before planning, writing and editing their own version of the text type. Children are encouraged to analyse their own work and the work of others when developing their writers’ voice and editing skills.



School Logo Watermark

Contact Us:

Mayplace Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
