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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Mayplace Primary School

Igniting The Spark of Learning

Online Safety at Home


Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote at Mayplace. Here are some resources which you may find helpful in supporting your child online at home:


Tips, advice and guides for parents and carers from the UK Safer Internet Centre

Advice for parents and carers from Childnet 

Reviews and information about games, apps, TV shows and websites from Common Sense Media 

Help on using parental controls and privacy settings from Internet Matters

Information and reporting of online grooming or sexual abuse from CEOP 


Natterhub: Preparing Children to Thrive Online

PARENTSAFE: Keeping your children safe: online & beyond

Thinkuknow: helping adults protect children from online harm

Parent Info: help and advice for families in a digital world

Internet Matters: helping parents keep their children safe online

NSPCC: online safety

London grid for learning (LGfL): online safety

Parentzone: experts in digital family life

LGfL: parents - scare or prepare

Thinkuknow: what to do if there’s a viral scare online

Virgin Media Children's Online Safety Test and Parent Tips


Restrict access to content on Apple TV

How to remove apps from Apple devices



Online safety is an important issue which as a school we’re committed to teaching our pupils about. If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please send an email to

Stories linked to Online Safety

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Contact Us:

Mayplace Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
