Mayplace Resource Provision
Mayplace Resource Provision
The Rainbow Room is Mayplace’s Resource Provision for pupils with autism and we currently have 18 children on roll in Rainbow from Reception to Year 6. We plan timetables and activities for each pupil individually to ensure that they have the support in place to allow them to feel happy, confident and successful in school. The provision consists of two classrooms, a sensory room and an outdoor area staffed by Miss Wells, our Provision Lead Teacher and dedicated teaching assistants who all have experience and training in supporting autistic pupils. All of our children who are part of the provision also have a place within a mainstream class and are actively included in the life of the school as valued members of our school community.
The amount of time each child spends in the provision and in their mainstream class will depend on the individual child and their needs and is reviewed regularly. For those children who are able to access their learning in their mainstream class, support will be provided through additional adults in the classroom, greater use of visuals, breaks and sensory resources and any other provision that is outlined on a child’s EHCP or SEN support plan.
Some children are taught mainly within the provision classrooms. These children are still taught according to the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework but in a way that suits their needs and allows them to become successful learners. There is a great focus on language and communication, all children have a speech and language plan and we have an autism specialist speech and language therapist who works in school every Wednesday. Where needed, PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), aided language boards and visual symbols to accompany written language is used to support language development.
Further activities will be planned as needed to develop children’s independence, social and communication skills, personal safety and emotional regulation. Activities are often shared with parents so that we can work together to support the pupils to develop. Great emphasis is placed on communication, social skills and attention skills. All activities are designed to help children to reduce anxiety, to understand the environment and to develop and extend communication, interpersonal and social skills. We understand that many children face difficulties in coping with change. For this reason, we run a structured visually supported day to help support transitions and reduce anxiety.