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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Mayplace Primary School

Igniting The Spark of Learning

Parent Forum

Mayplace Parent Forum


What is the Parent Forum?

Establishing regular, open communication and consultation with parents is important to us and we know that setting up the Parent Forum has helped us to achieve this.  The purpose of the Parent Forum is to provide an opportunity for parents and staff to discuss issues of mutual interest, to promote new ideas and to improve communication between parents and the school.

The Parent Forum will be a partnership between parents, staff and governors who have the shared aim of improving communication, ensuring every pupil can enjoy learning in a secure environment and helping every child reach their potential.


Our key objectives:

  1. To improve communication and understanding across the partnership
  2. To provide representative parents and carers with a regular session to discuss educational matters with the school
  3. To enable parents to contribute to the development of the school
  4. To enable parents to ask questions and provide constructive comment
  5. To enable parents to communicate generic issues of concern (it is not intended to replace parental communication with teachers or the Head Teacher about individual children)
  6. To enable the school to have an effective sounding board for new ideas and developments.


Parent Representatives

In order to establish an effective Parent Forum we would like to have a parent representative in every year group, and we currently have vacancies in Rainbow, Nursery, Year 1 and Year 4. If you wish to be considered for this position please contact Mrs Box via Class Dojo. Should we receive more than one offer for each year group, a name will be drawn to determine the representative.  To gather the views of parents who are not already actively linked to the school, i.e. Parent Governors, we are looking for class representatives who are not already in such roles.


Parent Forum meetings will usually take place on Tuesday afternoons, and by offering to be a representative you are confirming that you can attend these meetings once term.


If you have any agenda items you would like to raise for our next meeting please contact Year Group Representatives (email addresses were sent out to all parents at he the beginning of the academic year). If there is currently no representative for your year group, please forward them to Mrs Box via Class Dojo.



Class/YearParent Name                 Email                      
Year 1

Charlotte Cullen

Sarah Dunkley

Year 2Steve
Year 3Lindsay
Year 5

Emma Lipscombe

Lindsay Pitt
Year 6Steve
 Mrs Johnson 
 Mrs Box 




Dates for 2024-2025 to be confirmed.

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Contact Us:

Mayplace Primary School is part of The Primary First Trust Limited, a company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales number 08738750 and an Exempt Charity

Registered Address: The White House, Clifton Marine Parade, Gravesend DA11
